레미제라블이 요즘 장안의 화제다. 아카데미 시상식의 트로피를 휩쓸고 수많은 영화 전문가들과 관객자들의 호평을 사고 있다. 경향신문을 보니 아예 레미제라블 기획을 하고 있다. 심지어 영화관을 거의 안가시는 우리 어머니도 보러 가셨다. 덕분에 나도 따라가서 정말 색다른 영화를 볼 수 있었다.
The musical-adapted-to-movie Les Miserables is THE hot potato in town. It has swept the academy awards and received stellar praises from various cinema experts and viewers. The KyungHyang Ilbo is running a special section for the movie. Even my mother, who almost never goes to the cinema, went to see it. I went along with her and was shown a truly special and remarkable movie.
Firstly, I want to give my praises to the producers who successfully came up with a movie based on a book that is horrendously thick. I thought that the director did a good job of focusing on the scenes of moral dilemma, like Fantine who had to sell her body for Cosette, Jean Valjean who saved a criminal accused of being Valjean, or Javert who could not bring himself to arrest Valjean who had saved his life.
However, the most surprising thing about the movie was my reaction to it. My eyes usually stay dry when I watch sentimental movies, but when I watched the scene where Fantine comes to take away Valjean who had Cossete and Marius by his side, I couldn't stop crying. But I cried not because Valjean's death made me sad. I cried because I was touched by the pure beauty in the life of Jean Valjean who, from being an ostracized ex-convict who had no hope for the future, changed into a saint of love who sacrificed his everything for Fantine and Cossete.
사람들은 고대부터 지금까지 어떻게 올바르게 살 수 있는가 질문해 왔다. 완벽한 답안은 나오지 않았고, 나올 수도 없는 것 같다. 그러나 장발장의 생을 보면서 느끼는 말로 표현할 수 없는 그 순수한 희열은 정말 사람을 매료시키는 무언가가 있다. 장발장이 보여준 아름다운 사랑을 실천하고 나누는 것이 우리가 제안할 수 있는 최선의 답이라고 생각한다.
From the ancient times, humans have questioned themselves on how we can live good lives. There has not been a perfect answer, nor is there likely to be one. However, there is something that entrances us in that indescribable pure feeling of bliss that we feel as we watch the life of Jean Valjean. The life of fulfilling and sharing the beautiful love that Valjean has shown us is, arguably, the best answer we can give.
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